1900 W. 38th Avenue | Denver, CO 80211

To the founding Fathers, members, families and friends, both living and dead, of the Societa Nativi di Potenza Basilicata who have kept our heritage alive for the past 100 years, and Saint Rocco, patron saint of Potenza Lodge
Societa Nativi di Potenza Basilicata
Charter & Mission Statement
(Founded in Denver Colorado - October 1, 1899)
The objects of this Society shall be:
Benevolence, Unity & Brotherhood
Our Goals, our Objectives will be based upon the foundation, as established by our Forefathers.
We are supported by our Tri-Pod -
Amore, Benevolenza and Pace
Amore (Love): To exhibit respect for each other. To work together for our common Goals. To promote social and civil advancement for our Italian Americans. To treat each other as we would like to be treated.
Benevolenza (Goodness): To exhibit kindness and respect for each other. To develop a well-meaning attitude in all that we do. To be open to new ideas. To be creative and try to improve our meetings, programs, and events.
Pace (Peace): To resign ourselves to work with others. To be open to new ideas. To be responsive to others suggestions. To actively strive to increase our member base through geographical extensions or increased personal contacts. Develop an honest, direct approach to all problem solutions.